Home is where the heart is. We want to help you or your businesses find a place to feel at home. Whether you are buying, selling or leasing you've come to the right place. ​

Residential Resale ​
We offer value based, customized services that differ substantially from anything else out there. Our team slogan is "Not Like the Others".
Why would anyone in their right mind hire a real estate agent in this market? Homes basically sell themselves, prices are high and commissions are bloated and expensive. How can people justify spending $10,000 plus on fees for some idiot in a BMW to show up and take some photos with their iPhone and post it on the internet?
What if it was worth your while to hire an agent? What if your realtor provided value greater than the cost of using their services and didn't cost you anything? What if your realtor refused to drive a luxury car to specifically avoid playing into that stereotype?
How would that work?
Well for starters, the commission rates would be flexible and tailored specifically to your situation. You'd be offered help with all the little things you need to do to get your house ready to sell. De-cluttering, moving things down to the basement or out to your storage locker or off to the dump. Touching up and matching the paint in the front hallway. Replacing your old outdated door hardware and fixing the hole in the wall that your angsty teenager "accidentally" made in his bedroom. Maybe your house is in need of a lot of work, but you just don't have the money to do it, but wish you could replace those floors and get the most out of the property when you sell.
We have you covered, on all accounts. You pay commission based on the value we add to your transaction, the costs we incur and the time we spend, not a flat fee that stays the same no matter the circumstance. In addition, all of our listings get professional photography, 3D virtual tours, custom floor plans and feature sheets. If the property will benefit we offer videography and aerial photos as well.
First Time Buyers:
We take the guesswork and uncertainty out of the process and put the joy back into buying your first home.
Buying a home for the first time is scary, and with the prices as high as they are today it's a lot for people to take in for the first time. We try to take the edge off by taking a different approach; by trying to find value and opportunity in a market where it's generally lacking and providing you with the tools to make the now lofty dream of home ownership a reality. It's not as hard as it seems to break into the market, it's just important to tread carefully, educate yourself and understand the dynamics of a volatile and rapidly changing environment. As the market ebbs and flows, opportunities present themselves and we specialize in seizing those opportunities to save you money.

We offer acquisition, rental and marketing for commercial properties that follow the same model as our residential services.
We are your trusted partner in the search for the right space for your business, your investment or the sale of a valued asset. We can help with renovation and preparation of the space, strategic analysis of capitalization rates and neighbourhood trends, property valuations and offer advice about future rental potential.

Leasing & Tenant Representation ​
Tired of deadbeat tenants in your rental unit? Tired of sleazy, absentee landlords? We're here to help.
Let's face it, people suck sometimes. Every experienced landlord has a story about the tenant that looked great on paper but moved in and trashed the house, didn't pay rent and disappeared when they tried to recoup their losses. Likewise, every tenant has a story about the time their landlord refused to repair something in a timely fashion or refused to keep the heat at a reasonable temperature during a cold January.
Rental transactions aren't like sales, as you are entering into a relationship with the other party and relying on them to continue to hold up their end of the bargain and act in a fair and reasonable manner.
We can help you navigate the difficult landscape that is the rental market. We have extensive experience in both tenant selection and tenant placement and understand the warning signs. If you'd like a little help and advice to make sure you don't find a tenant/landlord who is opportunistic and dishonest like so many are these days.